Social networking sites and politics
18% of users have shunned "friends" who have different ideas and 16% have found friends whose beliefs match their own
18% of users have shunned "friends" who have different ideas and 16% have found friends whose beliefs match their own
Even though online Americans are more satisfied than ever with the performance of search engines, strong majorities have negative views of personalized search results and targeted ads
46% of American adults now have a smartphone of some kind, and for the first time smartphone owners outnumber users of more basic phones
A Pew Internet/Elon University survey reveals experts' hopes and fears about the hyperconnected generation, from their ability to juggle many tasks to their thirst for instant gratification and lack of patience.
The new normal in the age of social media
One particular performer at the February 12 Grammy ceremonies triggered a torrent of conversation in the social media last week. And much of that discussion included anger directed the awards, the singer and even some of his fans.
Most users choose restricted privacy settings while profile “pruning†and unfriending people is on the rise
Director Lee Rainie presented data on technology's place in our lives according to numbers at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference in Redwood City, CA.
As mobile, social tools spread throughout the population, people are connecting with each other. Why not harness those tools for health?
85% of the adults who use social media report that people are usually kind on the sites. At the same time, 49% have witnessed mean and offensive behavior and they usually respond by ignoring it.