report | Sep 27, 2012

In Changing News Landscape, Even Television is Vulnerable

Overview The transformation of the nation’s news landscape has already taken a heavy toll on print news sources, particularly print newspapers. But there are now signs that television news – which so far has held onto its audience through the rise of the internet – also is increasingly vulnerable, as it may be losing its […]

report | Sep 26, 2012

How Social and Traditional Media Differ in Treatment of the Conventions and Beyond

During what may prove a key period in the race for president, the candidates received very different treatment on Twitter, Facebook and blogs than in the mainstream media, a new PEJ study finds. The candidates each enjoyed a bounce in mainstream media treatment during their conventions. By contrast, social media showed little change, and the discourse was highly negative.

report | Sep 17, 2012

Smartphone Research: Infographic

Smartphone ownership reached a tipping point in 2012, where more Americans are buying them to take advantage of applications and other sophisticated web-enabled features compared to traditional cell phones. Pew Internet has been tracking trends in ce...

report | Sep 13, 2012

Photos and Videos as Social Currency Online

46% of internet users post original photos & videos online; 41% curate photos & videos they find elsewhere on the web and post on image-sharing sites. Women are more likely than men to use Pinterest; Instagram & Tumblr attract equal shares of both.

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