report | Mar 18, 2013

“What should I read next?”

It’s a question that librarians, booksellers, and others have heard often, perhaps even more so at a time when the output and availability of the written word has never been higher. And it’s a question that new book-recommendation sites such as Bookish and BookScout are trying to answer, joining a plethora of communities and services already trying to navigate the tricky task of helping you decide which book to pick up next.

presentation | Mar 14, 2013

The State of Facebook

Pew Internet Director Lee Rainie led a talk during a webinar in which financial analysts and journalists discussed: "Facebook Fatigue: Fact or Fiction?"

report | Mar 13, 2013

Teens and Technology 2013

Smartphone adoption among teens has increased substantially and mobile access to the internet is pervasive. One in four teens are “cell-mostly” internet users, who say they mostly go online using their phone.

report | Mar 7, 2013

Closing the Digital Divide: Latinos and Technology Adoption

Overview Latinos own smartphones, go online from a mobile device and use social networking sites at similar—and sometimes higher—rates than do other groups of Americans, according to a new analysis of three surveys by the Pew Research Center. The analysis also finds that when it comes to using the internet,1 the digital divide between Latinos […]

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