Did you check your inbox while on vacation? Americans are divided on answer
Nearly half of American workers said they preferred to let their email pile up while on vacation and dig out when they got back; 42% kept up with mail every day.
Nearly half of American workers said they preferred to let their email pile up while on vacation and dig out when they got back; 42% kept up with mail every day.
In recent years internet-connected mobile devices such as smartphones have exploded in popularity, offering an alternate form of “home” internet access.
Seven in ten American adults have a high-speed broadband connection at home. Another one in ten Americans lack home broadband but do own a smartphone.
Many companies are competing to provide consumers with ways to stream content among all their digital devices, but there's still a segment of Americans who own only one device -- a cell-phone.
58% of American teens have downloaded an app to a cell phone or tablet. More than half of teen apps users have avoided an app due to concerns about sharing their personal information.
The early-August suicide of a 14-year-old British girl and her father’s anguished Facebook posts about it has prompted the website Ask.fm to beef up its anti-bullying tools and practices. It has also reignited the debate over the extent of online bullying and its impact. Ask.fm is a Latvia-based site that allows users to pose and […]
A small share of Americans still connect to the internet at home via dial-up.
NBC News purchased a digital start-up company that allows anyone with a smartphone to stream live video to the network from the scene of breaking news, a move that could lead to increased use of user-generated content.
Teens often rely on themselves and the guidance they get from the websites they use to figure out how to manage their privacy online, but when they do seek advice, they go primarily to peers and parents.
Our national survey data did not indicate a decrease in the total number of Facebook-using teens, even though the focus group findings suggest that teens’ relationship with Facebook is complicated and may be evolving.