Lee Rainie spoke on May 10, 2017, to the American Bar Association’s Section of Science and Technology Law about the rise of the Internet of Things and its implications for privacy and cybersecurity.
Lee Rainie presented the Center’s findings about public practices and knowledge related to cybersecurity to the advisory board of the National Cybersecurity Alliance on May 5, 2017.
Nearly two-thirds of those age 65 and older go online and a record share now own smartphones – although many seniors remain relatively divorced from digital life.
This project – using the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, as a case study model – examines the question of how media coverage of a current issue in the news relates to public interest in the issue and its relevance to their own lives.
Lee Rainie discussed the Center's latest findings about how people use social media, how they think about news in the Trump Era, how they try to establish and act on trust and where they turn for expertise in a period where so much information is contested.
Many in Europe, the U.S., Canada, Australia and Japan do not report regularly visiting social media sites. But majorities in all of the 14 countries surveyed say they at least use the internet.
As the FCC continues to address broadband infrastructure and access, Americans have mixed views on two policies designed to encourage broadband adoption.