report | Mar 17, 2004

The CAN-SPAM Act has not helped most email users so far

The impact of the CAN-SPAM legislation is mixed, but not very encouraging so far. A new survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project between February 3 and March 1, 2004 shows the following: 29% of email users say they have reduced their overal...

report | Mar 3, 2004

Use of the Internet in places other than home or work

As use of the Internet becomes more appealing and more essential to Americans, a growing number are using multiple locations to go online. And significant numbers are moving beyond the tradition places of access – home and work.

report | Feb 17, 2004

Rural Areas and the Internet

This report provides a portrait of rural America’s Internet users, the activities they pursue online and their attitudes about the Internet compared to online Americans in urban and suburban communities

report | Jan 4, 2004

Sharp decline in music file swappers

The percentage of American adult Internet users who say they download music drops by half and the usage of some file-sharing applications declines.

report | Dec 22, 2003

America’s Online Pursuits

This report analyzes the responses of more than 64,000 Americans to phone surveys in the past three years. It finds that 63% of U.S. adults now are online and many of them have built Internet use into their lives in practical ways.

report | Nov 23, 2003

Consumption of Information Goods and Services in the U.S.

Computers and the Internet are encroaching on the TV and the landline telephone as important information and communication tools for a growing number of tech-loving Americans, especially those in their twenties.

presentation | Oct 23, 2003

Robert Lewis Shayon Lecture

This speech is an informal discussion of the history of the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

report | Oct 22, 2003

Spam is starting to hurt email

WASHINGTON (October 22, 2003) — The recent explosion of email spam is beginning to take its toll on the Internet world. A new nationwide survey shows that 25% of America’s email users say they are using email less because of spam. Within that group, most say that spam has reduced their overall use of email […]

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