report | May 28, 2006

Home Broadband Adoption 2006

Adoption of high-speed internet at home grew twice as fast in the year prior to March 2006 than in the same time frame from 2004 to 2005. Middle-income Americans accounted for much of the increase.

report | May 23, 2006

Seniors and Teens: Not So Different

Fully 87% of teens go online, compared to just 32% of Americans age 65+. This leads, of course, to a wide gap when it comes to computer skills; there is less of a gap when it comes to the some of the activities each group pursues online.

report | May 16, 2006

Increasingly, Americans Prefer Going to the Movies at Home

The start of the summer blockbuster movie season has Hollywood hoping for the usual stampede to the theaters, but now more than ever, the place that most Americans would rather watch movies is under their own roof.

report | May 15, 2006

The Cell Phone Challenge to Survey Research

Summary of Findings A growing number of Americans rely solely on a cell phone for their telephone service, and many more are considering giving up their landline phones. This trend presents a challenge to public opinion polling, which typically relies on a random sample of the population of landline subscribers. A new study of the […]

report | May 15, 2006

Cell phones and survey research

A growing number of Americans rely solely on a cell phone for their telephone service, and many more are considering giving up their landline phones. This presents a challenge to the kind of public opinion polling done by the Pew Internet & Ameri...

report | Apr 26, 2006

Internet Penetration and Impact

Internet penetration has now reached 73% for all American adults. Internet users note big improvements in their ability to shop and the way they pursue hobbies and personal interests online.

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