report | Jul 25, 2007

YouTube Debate

View a recap of Monday's presidential debate.

report | Jul 24, 2007

Uploading Democracy: Candidates Field YouTube Questions

Tuesday night's Democratic debate was widely anticipated for its groundbreaking format. Candidates took on a host of issues asked by citizens via YouTube videos; what follows is an analysis of the format and major themes of the debate as compared with public opinion data.

report | Jul 24, 2007

Second Screen Experiences

Expert perspectives on "second screen experiences" at a Web Managers Roundtable.

report | Jul 20, 2007

Olympics Online

There is a new entry in Beijing's 2008 Olympic Games: the internet.

report | Jul 13, 2007

Zombies and Alter Egos at the FTC

The Federal Trade Commission's Spam Summit was an occasion to celebrate the (limited) success of the CAN-SPAM Act and to discuss the latest criminal threats online.

report | Jul 12, 2007

Election 2008

The presidential hopefuls are using their web sites for unprecedented two-way communication with citizens. But what are voters learning here? Is it more than a way to bypass the media? A new PEJ study of 19 campaign sites finds Democrats are more interactive, Republicans are more likely to talk about “values,” and neither wants to talk about ideology.

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