presentation | Mar 27, 2008

Digital Footprints

In the era of Web 2.0, individuals and organizations have gone beyond simply being findable to being intimately knowable. These digital footprints are blazing trails and stirring up issues about how we manage our own online identities and those of...

presentation | Mar 11, 2008

Broadband Adoption: Patterns, Behaviors, and Implications

The speech discusses evolving online usage patterns. The drivers of changing usage patterns are the emergence of "always present" digital information access enabled by mobile wireless, to go with growth of "always on" home broadband connections.

report | Mar 5, 2008

Mobile Access to Data and Information

62% of all Americans are part of a wireless, mobile population that participates in digital activities away from home or work.

report | Feb 28, 2008

Doctor-patient Email

A new journal article on doctor-patient email reveals (to me, for the first time) that the very first phone call was actually a call for emergency medical assistance. Alexander Graham Bell had just spilled battery acid on himself, hence his hurrie...

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