presentation | Jun 13, 2008

What has China’s earthquake done to its internet?

People say the Chinese internet is mostly an entertainment network. But looking at what happened online during the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake reveals a Chinese internet with a depth and soul and much, much more.

presentation | Jun 10, 2008

Online child safety and literacy

This presentation pulls together Pew Internet Project research about teenagers' online activities, their behavior on social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace, and their Web 2.0 content creation activities. It covers the threats posed b...

presentation | Jun 10, 2008

Participatory Medicine at NIH

In this presentation, Mary Madden and Susannah Fox discuss the rise of participatory medicine within the context of key internet demographics and emerging online trends.

report | May 24, 2008

Polling in the age of cell phones

Introduction In the past few years, the growing number of Americans living in households without landline telephones has challenged survey researchers to develop a variety of approaches to deal with this non-coverage issue. One approach is to add interviews over the cell phone to traditional random digit dial surveys of landline telephones.1 Adding cell phone […]

report | May 23, 2008

Old media and new media blur just a little more

In what could be considered a further blurring of traditional media and new forms of digital media, this weekend's cover story in the New York Times Magazine features the intimate autobiographical account of Emily Gould, blogger and former Gawker ...

report | May 21, 2008

Dispatches and Data from China

Senior Research Fellow Deborah Fallows has been living in China for the past two years, sending us whimsical dispatches as well as in-depth reports about the impact of the internet on social life.

report | May 18, 2008

The Internet and Consumer Choice

The internet plays an important role in how people conduct research for purchases, but it is just one among a variety of sources people use and usually not the key factor in final purchasing decisions.

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