Teens, Mobile and Games
At a Federal Trade Commission brownbag, Amanda Lenhart reviewed four years of Pew Internet data on youth and mobile phones as well as Pew findings on youth and video games.
At a Federal Trade Commission brownbag, Amanda Lenhart reviewed four years of Pew Internet data on youth and mobile phones as well as Pew findings on youth and video games.
This presentation dives into the demographics of teen and adult social network users and looks at how youth use of social networks compares to use by adults, both in frequency, but also in purpose and behavior.
The number of online adults who use classified ads websites, such as Craigslist, more than doubled from 2005 to 2009.
John B. Horrigan will participate on a panel entitled "Scarcity, Diversity, Efficiency: Media Structure Regulation Reconsidered" at the Quello Center's 2009 Communication Law and Policy Symposium. The title for this year's symposium is "Rethinking...
Take the quiz to find out where you fit in the typology of technology users.
The public ranks the internet most useful as a source of information on the virus. Where and how are people finding flu facts online?
Participatory medicine is taking hold with both citizens and health professionals. But there are still pockets of people who lack access to the basic technology, lack the skills required to participate, or who may lack the sense that they are welc...
John B. Horrigan discusses how users shape the mobile ecosystem by comparing adoption of the mobile net to adoption of the desktop internet of the 1990s and by focusing on the "motivated by mobility" groups from the Project's The Mobile Difference...
Technology is changing how patients navigate their health care experience. New survey data shows how e-patients are using social media to connect to each other and to information.
Lee Rainie discussed the Project’s research about how the internet and cell phones are affecting citizens and how government agencies have new opportunities to plug into citizens’ social networks as they try to solve problems in their lives.