Reputation Management and Social Media
How people monitor and maintain their identity through search and social media.
How people monitor and maintain their identity through search and social media.
The stories and issues that gain traction in social media differ substantially from those that lead in the mainstream press. But they also differ greatly from each other. Across a year-long study of blogs, Twitter and YouTube, the three platforms shared the same top story just once. What are the stories and issues that dominate in theses platforms? And what media outlets tend to provide those stories? A new year-long study by report offers answers.
Susannah Fox will provide a sneak preview of an upcoming report on how people living with cancer use the internet, in addition to an overview of already-released findings on the social life of health information.
Mobile, social technologies are tapping in to a human need to connect with each other, to share, to lend a helping hand, and to laugh. I'd like to start a conversation about health privacy that includes an open dialogue about the risks and benefit...
A synthesis of the Pew Internet Project's most recent research related to health and the participatory news consumer.
With fully a quarter of the U.S. adult population now relying solely on cell phone service, pollsters and other survey researchers face a difficult decision as to whether to include cell phones in their samples. A joint study by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Internet & American Life Project takes an up-to-date look at the potential biases in findings based on landline-only surveys.
A joint study by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Internet & American Life Project takes an up-to-date look at the potential biases in findings based on landline-only surveys.
Lee Rainie spoke to librarians in Barcelona (May 19, 2010) and Madrid (May 21, 2010) about how libraries can survive in the new media ecosystem. Includes speech text and slides.
How do we explain the disparity between African-Americans' and Hispanics' views of the importance of government social media versus whites?
In a brown bag lunch talk given to FTC, FCC and Department of Education staff, Amanda talks about teens and mobile phones - who has them, how they use them and how schools and parents approach and manage the devices in the home and in the classroom.