report | Jul 9, 2010
Tech experts generally believe that today's tech-savvy young people will retain their willingness to share personal information online even as they get older and take on more responsibilities.
presentation | Jul 8, 2010
Internet penetration, mobile use, the social life of health information -- and how it fits in with the National Library of Medicine's strategy.
report | Jul 7, 2010
Six in ten Americans go online wirelessly using a laptop or cell phone; African-Americans and 18-29 year olds lead the way in the use of cell phone data applications, but older adults are gaining ground.
report | Jul 2, 2010
Most experts surveyed in the latest Pew Internet/Elon University study say social benefits of Internet use far outweigh negatives; some say it robs time, exposes private information, engenders intolerance.
presentation | Jun 27, 2010
This presentation highlights new research on teens, young adults and social media use while also identifying a new leading edge group that deserves the same attention: those who own four or more internet-connected devices.
presentation | Jun 25, 2010
Kristen Purcell will be speaking at the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) ALA pre-conference in Washington DC, as part of a panel entitled “Promoting Teen Reading with Web 2.0 Tools.”
presentation | Jun 24, 2010
Consumption of news, information and entertainment has radically changed, and not just online. In this talk, Director Lee Rainie presents the latest data and trends.
report | Jun 18, 2010
Adults are just as likely as teens to have texted while driving and are substantially more likely to have talked on the phone while driving.
report | Jun 17, 2010
I concluded a recent speech with a challenge: If chronically ill patients can find ways to connect and learn from each other, why can't your organizations find ways to connect and learn from them? One executive's positive reaction surprised even m...
presentation | Jun 15, 2010
This talk highlights how today’s changing information ecology, specifically the increasing use of social media and mobile technologies, has altered the way consumers access and interact with news and information.