Online Classifieds
The number of online adults who use classified ads websites, such as Craigslist, more than doubled from 2005 to 2009.
The number of online adults who use classified ads websites, such as Craigslist, more than doubled from 2005 to 2009.
The public ranks the internet most useful as a source of information on the virus. Where and how are people finding flu facts online?
Google has started placing ads on Google News pages. How's that working out?
Many say communications technologies are a mixed blessing as they see the boundaries between work and home life blur
The majority of employed adults (62%) use the internet or email at their job, and many have cell phones and Blackberries that keep them connected even when they are not at work.
Some 69% of online Americans use webmail services, store data online, or use software programs such as word processing applications whose functionality is located on the web. Online users who take advantage of cloud applications say they like the co...
The percentage of internet users who use search engines on a typical day has been steadily rising from about one-third of all users in 2002, to a new high of just under one-half (49%).
Because blogs have been in the news lately with the Netroots Nation and BlogHer conferences recently wrapping up, it seemed like an opportune time to post our latest figures for blogging and blog readership.
In what could be considered a further blurring of traditional media and new forms of digital media, this weekend's cover story in the New York Times Magazine features the intimate autobiographical account of Emily Gould, blogger and former Gawker ...
The internet plays an important role in how people conduct research for purchases, but it is just one among a variety of sources people use and usually not the key factor in final purchasing decisions.