short reads | Jan 23, 2007
That's the portion of campaign internet users -- adults who used the internet during the 2006 midterm election campaigns to get political news and information and discuss the races through email -- who also used the internet to create and share political content. These creators are particularly active in every type of online political activity.
report | Jun 14, 2006
The first tropical storm of 2006 washes up interesting emails.
report | Mar 31, 2006
A new survey from the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that 73% of American adults (age 18+) go online to use the internet or email.
report | Jan 25, 2006
The internet helps maintain people's social networks, and connects them to members of their social network when they need help. 60 million Americans have turned to the internet for help with major life decisions.
report | Nov 20, 2005
Nearly 60 million online Americans use search engines on an average day.
report | Apr 14, 2005
There is a new online cat-and-mouse game between the United States and China, the two internet superpowers.
report | Apr 10, 2005
More than a year after the CAN-SPAM Act became law, email users say they are receiving slightly more spam in their inboxes than before, but they are minding it less.
report | Mar 7, 2005
Data on how Americans' feel about emails from politicians or interest groups.
report | Feb 1, 2005
The campaign against pornographic spam gains momentum.
report | Jan 17, 2005
One in ten internet users signed up for political newsletters and news alerts during campaign 2004.