Adolescence, Mobile Technology & Culture
Mobile health technology is being used to reach adolescent populations from different cultural backgrounds. Susannah Fox will add Pew Internet's data about health, mobile, and teens to the discussion.
Mobile health technology is being used to reach adolescent populations from different cultural backgrounds. Susannah Fox will add Pew Internet's data about health, mobile, and teens to the discussion.
Teens and adults use their cell phones to transmit and receive suggestive images - a practice often called "sexting." This talk outlines the demographics of who is sending and receiving these images and under what circumstances. Further, focus gro...
Mobile phones have become the hub of teens' communication with peers and others, and is increasingly a source of information as well as connection to others. This talk presents data about which teens have mobile phones, how they use them - texting...
The mainstream media offer the American public a divided view of how information technology influences society, according to a new PEJ study. Messages such as technology making life easier often vie with concerns about privacy and safety. How do the media portray technology? Which companies get the most coverage? Do social media and blogs treat the subject differently than traditional media? A year-long study of technology coverage answers these and other questions.
Adults make just as many calls, but text less often than teens. Americans say their mobile phones make them feel safer and more connected, but are irritated by cell intrusions and rudeness by other users.
When it comes to socializing and communicating with friends, young Latinos (ages 16 to 25) make extensive use of mobile technology. Half say they text message (50%) their friends daily, and 45% say they talk daily with friends on a cell phone.
Native-born Latinos are more likely than their foreign-born counterparts to go online and to use cell phones, according to a new report from the Pew Hispanic Center.
Adults are just as likely as teens to have texted while driving and are substantially more likely to have talked on the phone while driving.
In a brown bag lunch talk given to FTC, FCC and Department of Education staff, Amanda talks about teens and mobile phones - who has them, how they use them and how schools and parents approach and manage the devices in the home and in the classroom.
Face-to-face interaction among teens is holding relatively steady, despite a spike in text messaging.