The Audience for Online Video-Sharing Sites Shoots Up
As the audience for online video continues to grow, a leading edge of internet users are migrating their viewing from their computer screens to their TV screens.
As the audience for online video continues to grow, a leading edge of internet users are migrating their viewing from their computer screens to their TV screens.
More than half of Americans - 56% - have accessed the internet wirelessly on some device, such as a laptop, cell phone, MP3 player, or game console.
The mobile nature of wireless phones creates a significant problem for geographic sampling.This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the wireless-only are more geographically mobile than those with landline phones.
Broadband adoption increases, but monthly prices do, too.
Americans' pursuit of health takes place within a widening network of both online and offline sources.
At a Federal Trade Commission brownbag, Amanda Lenhart reviewed four years of Pew Internet data on youth and mobile phones as well as Pew findings on youth and video games.
Take the quiz to find out where you fit in the typology of technology users.
Participatory medicine is taking hold with both citizens and health professionals. But there are still pockets of people who lack access to the basic technology, lack the skills required to participate, or who may lack the sense that they are welc...
John B. Horrigan discusses how users shape the mobile ecosystem by comparing adoption of the mobile net to adoption of the desktop internet of the 1990s and by focusing on the "motivated by mobility" groups from the Project's The Mobile Difference...
Technology is changing how patients navigate their health care experience. New survey data shows how e-patients are using social media to connect to each other and to information.