report | Nov 16, 2009

Teens and Distracted Driving

Twenty-six percent of American teens of driving age say they have texted while driving, and half (48%) of all teens ages 12 to 17 say they’ve been a passenger while a driver has texted behind the wheel.

presentation | Sep 22, 2009

Participation Matters

Pew Internet research shows that, in politics and in health care, participation matters as much as access.

report | Aug 18, 2009

Uncle Sam and Social Media

Federal agencies can, and should, be the first responders to health questions. Social media can help.

presentation | Aug 13, 2009

Social Media’s Promise for Public Health

Participation Powers Prevention was the theme of the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing & Media. Susannah Fox presented the latest data on social media and health care.

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