presentation | Jul 14, 2011

The Mobile Difference

Lee Rainie will discuss the Project’s latest findings about how people use mobile devices, and how the changing media ecosystem is affecting the way people receive, share, and create information.

presentation | Jul 13, 2011

The State of Millennials (slides)

Lee Rainie presents a compendium of recent data that focuses on key behavioral statistics of the Millennial Generation.

report | Jul 11, 2011

How smartphone owners describe their phones

Along with asking about smartphone adoption and usage in our May 2011 survey, we also included a question that asked cell phone owners to provide the one word that best describes how they feel about their phones.

report | Jul 11, 2011

Smartphone Adoption and Usage

35% of US adults own a smartphone of some kind, and one quarter of smartphone owners say that their phone is where they do most of their online browsing.

presentation | May 4, 2011

What Really Works in Mobile Health

Susannah Fox presented the Project's latest findings on how mobile access is affecting health and health care.

presentation | Apr 14, 2011

Mobile Health

Susannah Fox will participate in the first working meeting of the Open mHealth Public-Private Partnership in Washington, DC.

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