report | May 11, 2012
74% of smartphone owners use their phone to get real-time location-based information, and 18% use a geosocial service to “check in” to certain locations or share their location with friends.
presentation | May 10, 2012
Lee Rainie will give the keynote presentation titled "Learning in the Digital Age: Where Libraries Fit In" at the 21st Annual Minitex ILL Conference in Minnesota.
report | May 7, 2012
86% of smartphone owners used their phone in the past month to make real-time queries to help them meet friends, solve problems, or settle arguments
presentation | Apr 25, 2012
Mary Madden and Kathryn Zickuhr presented findings on the rise of e-reading, including reading-device ownership and the general reading habits/preferences of Americans.
report | Apr 20, 2012
While there is a tendency to associate e-books with dedicated e-reading devices, we found that among people who read e-books, just as many read their e-books on a desktop or laptop computer as on an e-book reader like a Kindle or Nook—and more people read e-books on their cell phones than on tablet computers.
report | Apr 17, 2012
In a Pew Internet/Elon University survey, internet experts predict that payment with mobile devices will be commonplace by 2020, although a number of potential hurdles and holdouts stand in the way
presentation | Apr 13, 2012
Amanda Lenhart spoke about the demographic differences among groups of youth in their adoption, use, and experiences with technology and social media.
presentation | Apr 13, 2012
Director Lee Rainie will present findings on digital differences and money at the NYSE CFSI Financial Literacy Week Event
report | Apr 13, 2012
While increased internet adoption and the rise of mobile connectivity have reduced many gaps in technology access over the past decade, for some groups digital disparities still remain
report | Apr 4, 2012
21% of Americans have read an e-book. The increasing availability of e-content is prompting some to read more than in the past and to prefer buying books to borrowing them.