report | Jul 9, 2012
Director Lee Rainie shared findings from our new report on e-book lending at libraries at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference on Sunday, June 24. He also discussed general reading trends, the rise of e-books, and library patrons’ experiences with e-book borrowing. Research Specialist Kathryn Zickuhr also discussed our research at a session of the ALA’s Spectrum Leadership Institute on Monday, June 25.
report | Jul 6, 2012
As you may know, we recently published a big report about e-book lending at libraries. We’ll have some posts exploring different aspects of the report in the coming weeks, but you can also read the entire report online (or download the PDF, if you prefer). And if you want to jump to a specific section, here’s a brief outline of the findings.
report | Jun 28, 2012
As of early 2012, 88% of American adults have a cell phone, 58% have a desktop computer, 61% have a laptop, 18% own an e-book reader, and 18% have a tablet computer. Here’s a closer look at the demographic breakdown of U.S. adult gadget ownership.
report | Jun 26, 2012
17% of cell phone owners do most of their online browsing on their phone, rather than a computer or other device. Most do so for convenience, but for some their phone is their only option for online access.
presentation | Jun 14, 2012
Amanda Lenhart spoke at the 2012 Lawlor Summer Seminar in Minneapolis, where she discussed the rise in smartphone ownership among youth, the demographics of mobile phone ownership and the changes wrought as youth begin to have access anytime, anyw...
presentation | Jun 13, 2012
How mobile/social tools are changing the way Americans give to and interact with organizations
presentation | May 31, 2012
Lee Rainie was the morning keynote speaker at the Society for Scholarly Publishing's conference on May 31, discussing how people use technology to gather, share, and create information.
presentation | May 18, 2012
Kristen Purcell spoke about Americans' use of the internet and other digital technologies, and shared highlights from our report on the rise of e-reading.
report | May 15, 2012
Parents are enthusiastic downloaders of all kinds of apps, particularly apps for children.
report | May 11, 2012
74% of smartphone owners use their phone to get real-time location-based information, and 18% use a geosocial service to "check in" to certain locations or share their location with friends