News audiences spread the word, but few get involved in local journalism
We asked residents in Denver, Macon, Ga., and Sioux City, Iowa, about the actions they take to gather, share and add to the news in their communities.
We asked residents in Denver, Macon, Ga., and Sioux City, Iowa, about the actions they take to gather, share and add to the news in their communities.
Minority smartphone owners tend to rely more heavily on their phone than whites do for internet access, according to our recent report on smartphone adoption.
Although seniors tend to lag their younger counterparts in tech adoption, more seniors than those 18-29 describe their smartphone as liberating.
In a few short years, the proliferation of mobile phone networks has transformed communications in sub-Saharan Africa. It has also allowed Africans to skip the landline stage of development and jump right to the digital age.
Americans are turning to their mobile devices to help them get from one place to another; navigation while driving is especially popular.
Smartphones are fueling a shift in the communication landscape for teens. Nearly three-quarters of teens now use smartphones and 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they go online "almost constantly."
No research has compared app-based surveys with polls administered via Web browsers. Our new, experimental work compares the results of these two modes.
Nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults own a smartphone, up from 35% in 2011. Our new report analyzes smartphone ownership and owners' attitudes and behaviors.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans now own a smartphone. 19% of Americans rely to some extent on a smartphone for internet access, but the connections to digital resources that they offer are tenuous for many of these users.
As more people around the world gain access to all the tools of the digital age, the internet will play a greater role in everyday life. And so far, people in emerging and developing nations say that the increasing use of the internet has been a good influence in the realms of education, personal relationships and the economy.