report | Apr 7, 2005
Are we entering an era of "user-generated" online content? We may not quite be there. But if you look at how young people with high-speed connections interface with the news, the phrase "news consumers" doesn't capture what these people do when th...
presentation | Apr 1, 2005
This presentation shows pattern of online news consumption, with particular emphasis on how high-speed internet connections help shift the center of news consumption closer to the online world, especially for young internet users.
report | Feb 15, 2005
Growth in home broadband use and laptop purchases contributes to surge in use of computer networks among multi-computer households
presentation | Feb 10, 2005
This presentation presents data through January 2005 on broadband adoption at home and discusses prospects for future growth
report | Jan 25, 2005
A growing number of "Silver Surfers" switch to fast online connections
report | Nov 17, 2004
Got bandwidth at home? Like politics? If you answer 'yes' to these questions, and you're young, the internet shaped what you learned about the presidential election.
presentation | Oct 27, 2004
This slide show presents trends from 2002 to 2004 in adoption of high-speed internet connections at home among Americans living in rural parts of the country.
report | Aug 12, 2004
My favorite was a ride in the front seat of a rollercoaster called California Screamin’. Sure, I’m stuck at my desk today, but for a couple minutes I was vicariously lurching and leaning in Disneyland.
report | Feb 17, 2004
This report provides a portrait of rural America’s Internet users, the activities they pursue online and their attitudes about the Internet compared to online Americans in urban and suburban communities
presentation | Oct 6, 2003
This presentation is an overview of three years of survey findings and other research about the adoption and impact of the Internet.