report | Dec 22, 2009

Latinos Online, 2006-2008

64% of Latino adults ages 18 and older used the internet in 2008, compared with 54% of Latinos in 2006.

presentation | Sep 15, 2009

Setting the Table for the National Broadband Plan

Research specialist Aaron Smith will be a panelist at the first panel of's series “Setting the Table for the National Broadband Plan.” The panelists will consider the FCC’s summer broadband workshops, and how individuals and en...

presentation | Aug 19, 2009

Broadband’s Impact on Citizen Engagement

The goal of this FCC workshop was to assess, and facilitate a conversation about, the current state of data on broadband adoption and utilization, as well as the associated measurement and other challenges. Susannah Fox discussed the Pew Internet ...

presentation | May 19, 2009

Onramps to Online Life: How Do People Access Digital Information?

John B. Horrigan will participate on a panel entitled "Scarcity, Diversity, Efficiency: Media Structure Regulation Reconsidered" at the Quello Center's 2009 Communication Law and Policy Symposium. The title for this year's symposium is "Rethinking...

presentation | Apr 3, 2009

If We Build It, Will They Log On?

John Horrigan will participate in a roundtable discussion at the 2009 Cable Show, sponsored by the National Cable Television Association.

presentation | Mar 23, 2009

Mapping Broadband and Understanding the Internet

John Horrigan will participate in a roundtable on "Mapping Broadband" at the National Telecommunications & Information Administration. This is part public outreach for the Commerce Department's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.

report | Jan 28, 2009

Generations Online in 2009

Over half of the adult internet population is between 18 and 44 years old. But larger percentages of older generations are online now than in the past, and they are doing more activities online.

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