report | May 17, 2017

Tech Adoption Climbs Among Older Adults

Nearly two-thirds of those age 65 and older go online and a record share now own smartphones – although many seniors remain relatively divorced from digital life.

short reads | Feb 18, 2016

English-speaking Asian Americans stand out for their technology use

Discussions of the “digital divide” often touch on race and ethnicity – and the narrative is usually that whites lead in technology adoption while other racial or ethnic groups struggle to keep up. But that's not the case for English-speaking Asian Americans.

report | Dec 21, 2015

Home Broadband 2015

The share of Americans with broadband at home has plateaued: It now stands at 67%, down slightly from 70% in 2013. At the same time, more Americans rely only on their smartphones for online access.

report | Nov 19, 2015

Searching for Work in the Digital Era

The internet is a central resource for Americans looking for work, but a notable minority lack confidence in their digital job-seeking skills.

short reads | Apr 20, 2015

The numbers behind the broadband ‘homework gap’

A new Pew Research Center analysis finds low-income households, especially black and Hispanic ones, make up a disproportionate share of the 5 million with school-age children that lack broadband access.

report | Apr 1, 2015

U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015

Nearly two-thirds of Americans now own a smartphone. 19% of Americans rely to some extent on a smartphone for internet access, but the connections to digital resources that they offer are tenuous for many of these users.

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