report | Oct 28, 2013

Photo and Video Sharing Grow Online

54% of internet users have posted original photos or videos to websites and 47% share photos or videos they found elsewhere online. Young adults and women lead the way in each of these activities.

report | Oct 24, 2013

The Facebook News Experience

On Facebook, the largest social media platform, news is a common but incidental experience, according to an initiative of Pew Research Center in collaboration with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

report | Oct 24, 2013

The Role of News on Facebook

On Facebook, news is a common but incidental part of the experience, according to a new survey. Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults use Facebook, and half of those users get news there.

presentation | Oct 22, 2013

Mobile Health in Context

Susannah Fox will deliver a keynote address to a symposium hosted by the University of Maryland Health Sciences & Human Services Library in Baltimore

report | Oct 21, 2013

Public Registers Bumpy Launch of Health Care Exchange Websites

Survey Report A few weeks after the launch of the state-level online health insurance exchanges that are a cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act, the public’s impression is that it has been a bumpy launch. About three-in-ten Americans (29%) say the online health insurance exchanges are working very or fairly well while 46% say they […]

report | Oct 21, 2013

Online Dating & Relationships

One in ten Americans have used an online dating site or mobile dating app; 66% of them have gone on a date with someone they met through a dating site or app, and 23% have met a spouse or long term partner through these sites.

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Signature Reports

report | Jan 13, 2021

The State of Online Harassment

Roughly four-in-ten Americans have experienced online harassment. Growing shares face more severe online abuse such as sexual harassment or stalking.

report | Jul 28, 2020

Parenting Children in the Age of Screens

Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies, like social media or smartphones, as a reason.

report | Nov 15, 2019

Americans and Privacy Online

Majorities of U.S. adults believe their personal data is less secure now, that data collection poses more risks than benefits, and that it is not possible to go through daily life without being tracked.