One year into Francis’ papacy, an analysis by the Pew Research Center finds that the former Jesuit archbishop – who was named Time’s Person of the Year – ranked among the top global newsmakers in major U.S.-based digital news outlets.
A new Pew Research Center survey finds that 55% of those ages 25 to 32 have posted a “selfie” on a social media site; no other generation is nearly as inclined to do this.
Susannah Fox will present the latest research on social media and health at a workshop hosted by the President’s Cancer Panel at the National Cancer Institute: "Cancer Communication: In the Digital Era, Opportunities Amongst the Challenges."
Americans are growing more attached to modern digital technologies, such as cellphones and the internet, and less attached to traditional hardware, such as landline phones and televisions.
People connect to form groups on Twitter for a variety of purposes. The networks they create have identifiable contours that are shaped by the topic being discussed, the information and influencers driving the conversation, and the social network structures of the participants.
People connect to form groups on Twitter for a variety of purposes. The networks they create have identifiable contours that are shaped by the topic being discussed, the information and influencers driving the conversation, and the social network structures of the participants.
Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies, like social media or smartphones, as a reason.
Majorities of U.S. adults believe their personal data is less secure now, that data collection poses more risks than benefits, and that it is not possible to go through daily life without being tracked.