32 years ago, experts foresaw much of today’s digital world
In 1982, researchers studying the impact of nascent electronic-information services predicted much of what has since become commonplace.
In 1982, researchers studying the impact of nascent electronic-information services predicted much of what has since become commonplace.
The complex issue of net neutrality is not likely to be dinner conversation for many in the U.S. Still, the Federal Communications Commission vote expected today could dramatically impact the flow of digital content Americans receive, not to mention the bottom line for many major U.S. technology and content companies. So, where could the public […]
This report used several different research methods. Data regarding the volume of terms on Twitter used Crimson Hexagon. Data regarding the terminology used during Google searches and the language used by newspapers were derived by the use of Google Trends and searches of LexisNexis. Twitter The volume of tweets was measured using computer coding software […]
Many experts say the rise of embedded and wearable computing will bring the next revolution in digital technology.
The new media and information ecosystem in communities and how foundations can think about new opportunities in this environment.
Searches peak on the Friday before Mother’s Day and on Valentine’s Day.
The Uniform Law Commission, a body of lawyers who produce uniform legislation for states to adopt, recently drafted the “Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (FADA)," which would grant fiduciaries broad authority to access and control digital assets and accounts.
39% of internet users have changed passwords or canceled accounts; 6% think their personal information was swiped.
The Supreme Court will hear two cases this term about whether police can search the contents of a mobile device without a warrant.
The Pew Research Center’s latest data on older adults and technology
Roughly four-in-ten Americans have experienced online harassment. Growing shares face more severe online abuse such as sexual harassment or stalking.
Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies, like social media or smartphones, as a reason.
From distractions to jealousy, how Americans navigate cellphones and social media in their romantic relationships.
Majorities of U.S. adults believe their personal data is less secure now, that data collection poses more risks than benefits, and that it is not possible to go through daily life without being tracked.