report | Sep 1, 2016

Book Reading 2016

A growing share of Americans are reading e-books on tablets and smartphones rather than dedicated e-readers, but print books remain much more popular than books in digital formats

short reads | Aug 4, 2016

Why Americans are wary of using technology to ‘enhance’ humans

Emerging technologies that draw from biomedical technology, nanotechnology, information technology and other fields may lead to any number of ways people might be able to “upgrade” themselves. But a majority of Americans greet the possibility of these breakthroughs with more wariness and worry than enthusiasm and hope.

short reads | Jul 27, 2016

Q&A: Two perspectives on human enhancement technologies and how the public views them

Christian Brugger, a professor of moral theology at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, believes that people are right to be concerned about the social impact of human enhancement. Anders Sandberg, a research fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, thinks that, on balance, human enhancement will improve and enrich our lives.

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Signature Reports

report | Jan 13, 2021

The State of Online Harassment

Roughly four-in-ten Americans have experienced online harassment. Growing shares face more severe online abuse such as sexual harassment or stalking.

report | Jul 28, 2020

Parenting Children in the Age of Screens

Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies, like social media or smartphones, as a reason.

report | Nov 15, 2019

Americans and Privacy Online

Majorities of U.S. adults believe their personal data is less secure now, that data collection poses more risks than benefits, and that it is not possible to go through daily life without being tracked.