presentation | Feb 9, 2006
A November 2004 survey of parents and adolescents conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that 13% of teens do not use the internet. This presentation explores the constraints on use and the non-use of the internet by American ...
presentation | Feb 1, 2006
Amanda Lenhart joins Talk of the Nation with guests danah boyd and Parry Aftab in a series of interviews on the phenomenon of the popular social networking website
report | Jan 25, 2006
The internet helps maintain people's social networks, and connects them to members of their social network when they need help. 60 million Americans have turned to the internet for help with major life decisions.
report | Jan 23, 2006
I recently helped my parents enroll in their new Medicare prescription drug plans using the website...
report | Jan 22, 2006
Internet users ages 12 to 28 years old have embraced the online applications that enable communicative, creative, and social uses. Internet users ages 29 to 69 years old are more likely to engage in online activities that require some capital.
report | Jan 22, 2006
Teens and Generation Y (age 18-28) are significantly more likely than older users to send and receive instant messages, play online games, create blogs, download music, and search for school information.
report | Jan 17, 2006
A review of data from the U.S., UK, and Australia finds that the internet has the potential to bring isolated seniors into closer contact with the wired world.
presentation | Jan 12, 2006
Lee Rainie appeared on The Diane Rehm Show on NPR on January 12, 2006, speaking about the future of TV.
report | Dec 28, 2005
Washington – A wide-ranging look at the way American women and men use the internet shows that men continue to pursue many internet activities more intensively than women, and that men are still first out of the blocks in trying the latest technologies. At the same time, there are trends showing that women are catching […]
report | Dec 28, 2005
Men continue to pursue many internet activities more intensively than women. At the same time, trend data show that women are catching up in overall use and are framing their online experience with a greater emphasis on deepening connections with peo...