report | Aug 26, 2015

Americans’ Views on Mobile Etiquette

For many Americans, cellphones are always present and rarely turned off. This creates new social challenges, as people believe that different public and social settings warrant different sensitivities for civil behavior.

report | Aug 6, 2015

Teens, Technology and Friendships

American teens don't just make friends in the schoolyard or neighborhood — many are finding new friends online. Video games, social media and mobile phones play an integral role in how teens meet and interact.

report | Jan 15, 2015

Social Media and the Cost of Caring

Frequent use of social media is not directly related to higher stress. But stress can be contagious through social media channels: Social media users are often more aware of the stressful events in others' lives, and this awareness itself can lead to higher stress.

report | Aug 26, 2014

Social Media and the ‘Spiral of Silence’

Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms did not provide new outlets for the discussion of the Snowden-NSA revelations. People who thought their social media friends disagreed with them were less likely to discuss the issues in person and online.

report | Feb 11, 2014

Couples, the Internet, and Social Media

The internet, cell phones and social media have become key actors in the lives of many American couples. Technology is a source of support and communication as well as tension, and couples say it has both good and bad impacts on their relationships.

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