presentation | Dec 10, 2012

The Mobile, Social Present

Susannah Fox provided an overview of the Pew Internet Project's health and mobile adoption research, particularly as it relates to HIV/AIDS prevention efforts.

report | Nov 8, 2012

Go mobile

The market for mobile-ready health information continues to grow, even as health apps are just simmering along (in terms of consumer adoption, anyway).

report | Nov 8, 2012

Mobile Health 2012

Half of smartphone owners use their devices to get health information and one-fifth of smartphone owners have health apps

report | Oct 29, 2012

The e is for engagement

What if we redefined the Quantified Self movement to include everyone who keeps a pair of "skinny jeans" in their closet? Themes from two recent speeches by Susannah Fox.

presentation | Oct 25, 2012

The “e” is for Engagement

Susannah Fox was a keynote speaker at the 2012 Connected Health Symposium & Expo in Boston, MA.

presentation | Aug 6, 2012

Disability in the Digital Age

A detailed look at people living with disability in the U.S. -- their demographic profile, technology status, and use of the internet for health information.

report | Jul 24, 2012

The State of New Media and HIV

At the 19th International AIDS Conference, Susannah Fox shared a social history of the internet - our national story and her grandmother's story.

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