The Mobile, Social Present
Susannah Fox provided an overview of the Pew Internet Project's health and mobile adoption research, particularly as it relates to HIV/AIDS prevention efforts.
Susannah Fox provided an overview of the Pew Internet Project's health and mobile adoption research, particularly as it relates to HIV/AIDS prevention efforts.
Rural residents in the U.S. lag behind those in suburban and urban areas when it comes to technology adoption.
The market for mobile-ready health information continues to grow, even as health apps are just simmering along (in terms of consumer adoption, anyway).
Half of smartphone owners use their devices to get health information and one-fifth of smartphone owners have health apps
What if we redefined the Quantified Self movement to include everyone who keeps a pair of "skinny jeans" in their closet? Themes from two recent speeches by Susannah Fox.
Susannah Fox was a keynote speaker at the 2012 Connected Health Symposium & Expo in Boston, MA.
Two recent presentations focused on the human element of health and technology - my favorite topic.
Susannah Fox will be the opening keynote speaker at a symposium on self-tracking in health.
A detailed look at people living with disability in the U.S. -- their demographic profile, technology status, and use of the internet for health information.
At the 19th International AIDS Conference, Susannah Fox shared a social history of the internet - our national story and her grandmother's story.