Reshaping the workplace: Tech-related jobs that didn’t exist (officially, at least) 15 years ago
Technological change already has reshaped the U.S. workforce -- creating new job categories while others fade away.
Technological change already has reshaped the U.S. workforce -- creating new job categories while others fade away.
Experts in fields ranging from computer science to marketing to social science share their insights on what future impacts AI/robotics will have on jobs
Experts envision automation and intelligent digital agents permeating vast areas of our work and personal lives by 2025, but they are divided on whether these advances will displace more jobs than they create.
Lee Rainie discussed an extensive roster of expert predictions about the internet in the coming decade.
Tech experts hope the open structure of the Internet will prevail in the coming decade; but they anticipate battles to preserve relatively unhindered connectivity.
Experts in fields ranging from computer science to marketing to social science share their insights on what threats to the Internet they see on the horizon
In 1982, researchers studying the impact of nascent electronic-information services predicted much of what has since become commonplace.
Many experts say the rise of embedded and wearable computing will bring the next revolution in digital technology.
The Uniform Law Commission, a body of lawyers who produce uniform legislation for states to adopt, recently drafted the “Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (FADA)," which would grant fiduciaries broad authority to access and control digital assets and accounts.
Americans see the next half-century as a period of profound scientific change, but they don't agree on what will or won't come to pass.