Putin’s Popularity Propels Chosen Successor in Russian Election
Russians Prefer Strength in Their Leader, Economy over Democracy
Russians Prefer Strength in Their Leader, Economy over Democracy
Despite economic progress and an upbeat pre-election mood, a recent Pew poll found greater concern in Kenya about tribal rivalries than in all but two other African nations surveyed.
by Richard Wike, Senior Researcher and Kathleen Holzwart, Research Analyst, Pew Global Attitudes Project Until recently, Kenya was considered something of a success story in a troubled region; now, however, it is consumed by political and ethnic violence following last week’s disputed reelection of President Mwai Kibaki. The unrest has shocked many both inside and […]
by Luis Lugo, Director, and Brian J. Grim, Senior Research Fellow, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life The upcoming presidential election in South Korea on Dec. 19 is drawing attention to the growing presence of Christianity in a country that as recently as 1960 had fewer than a million Christians. The odds-on favorite in […]
The fact that the presidential frontrunner is a Protestant Church leader highlights the growing numbers, influence and religious intensity of South Korea's Christians.
by Robert Ruby and Timothy Samuel Shah, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life March 21, 2007 If Nigeria’s presidential election takes place as scheduled on April 21, it will mark the first transfer of power from one elected civilian president to another in the country considered the key to stability for all of West […]
Dean of exit pollsters sees Calderon hanging on to lead and expresses confidence in Mexican election system.
The study was conducted for Pew Hispanic Center via telephone by International Communications Research, an independent research company.
Strict requirements, insufficient information about registration procedures and lack of public interest hobbled Mexico's first effort to conduct absentee voting among its more than ten million adult citizens living in the United States.
A Pew Global Attitudes Project commentary