Amid coronavirus crisis, Americans and Germans see changing world in different ways
Germans are increasingly negative about their relationship with the U.S. Also, Germans are more comfortable than Americans with globalization.
Germans are increasingly negative about their relationship with the U.S. Also, Germans are more comfortable than Americans with globalization.
There is widespread support in Taiwan for increased economic and political ties with the U.S. While many are wary of stronger political ties with mainland China, about half would favor stronger economic relations.
For some governments, the debt incurred on COVID-19 relief will add to the considerable red ink already on their ledgers before the pandemic.
Our analysis assesses the relationship between Nigerians’ distance to a major Chinese investment in their country and their views toward China.
As President Donald Trump prepares for a state visit to India, the two nations’ economic relationship will take center stage.
More countries still name the U.S. as the foremost economic power than say the same of China. And, even in nations that welcome China’s economic growth, few feel similarly about its growing military might.
Unfavorable opinion of China in the U.S. is at its highest level in 14 years of polling. Americans also increasingly see China as a threat, and more than half see friction in the current bilateral economic relationship.
United Kingdom legislators in the House of Lords and House of Commons tweeted more critical content of Trump’s recent visit to the nation.
The most export-dependent places in America often are far from big cities and are more likely to be in the South or Midwest than the coasts.
Majorities in all but one of 10 European countries had no confidence in Xi Jinping to do the right thing regarding world affairs in a 2018 survey.