Republicans see China more negatively than Democrats, even as criticism rises in both parties
Republicans have long held more unfavorable views of China than Democrats, but such views have climbed among both parties over the past year.
Republicans have long held more unfavorable views of China than Democrats, but such views have climbed among both parties over the past year.
Unfavorable views of China reach new historic high, and a majority supports taking a tougher stand on human rights.
Even as they age, younger generations in the U.S. tend to be more favorably disposed to groups, leaders and countries beyond their border.
When it comes to economic relations, some in Taiwan are more willing to work with both Beijing and Washington.
Americans are divided in their outlooks, mainly along ideological lines, but are more united on opinions about China’s place in the world.
Americans expect China’s international reputation will suffer because of how the country has handled the coronavirus outbreak.
There is widespread support in Taiwan for increased economic and political ties with the U.S. While many are wary of stronger political ties with mainland China, about half would favor stronger economic relations.
Our analysis assesses the relationship between Nigerians’ distance to a major Chinese investment in their country and their views toward China.
Republicans are more negative than Democrats toward China, though unfavorable ratings have climbed among both parties.
Tal como ha ocurrido durante su mandato, el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, recibe en gran parte evaluaciones negativas del público de todo el mundo, según demuestra un nuevo informe del Pew Research Center. En los países encuestados por el Pew Research Center, una mediana del 64 % afirma no confiar en que Trump […]