European Millennials are cool toward Russia, but warmer than older generations
In six of seven European Union countries surveyed by the Pew Research Center, roughly a third or less of young people born after 1980 have a favorable opinion of Russia.
Widespread concerns about extremism in Muslim nations, and little support for it
The horrific murder of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh has generated shock and outrage around the globe. And if recent history is a guide, this brutal act will only deepen opposition to ISIS, and to violent extremism more generally, in Jordan and other predominantly Muslim nations.
Is Europe on board for a new trade deal with the U.S.?
Overall, recent surveys in both the U.S. and the 28-member EU suggest there is widespread support for a deeper transatlantic trade and investment relationship in most EU countries and among publics representing most of the European population, economy and exports to the U.S.
Despite progress, U.S. still lags many nations in women leaders
Women now make up 20% of Congress, a record high. But women have more representation in most countries' national legislatures.
Obama heads to India, where the public is warm to him
Obama's visit to India on Republic Day is expected to usher in a new, positive era in India-U.S. relations -- especially at a time when a majority of Indians have a favorable view of the United States and a majority of Americans express a positive opinion of India.
Most Support Stronger U.S. Ties With Cuba
Survey Report Fully 63% of Americans approve of the Obama administration’s decision last month to re-establish diplomatic ties with Cuba after more than 50 years. And there is equally broad support for going further and ending the decades-long U.S. trade embargo against Cuba (66% favor this). Yet there is broad public skepticism that a thaw […]
Americans agree on trade: Good for the country, but not great for jobs
Trade is shaping up as a major issue on the 2015 legislative agenda, with Congressional leaders and Obama suggesting bilateral cooperation on U.S. trade agendas. Indeed, a Pew Research Center survey suggests such bipartisan efforts also could find public support.
Typical Day Topline
Survey Topline Survey results are based on national samples. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100% because they are based on unrounded numbers. Since 2007, the Global Attitudes Project has used an automated process to generate toplines. As a result, numbers may differ slightly from those published prior […]
As Cuban American demographics change, so do views of Cuba
President Obama's change in policy towards Cuba comes as the Cuban American population itself is changing—in its demographics, views of U.S.-Cuba policy, and its politics.