Indians give high marks to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and his appeal is a driving force behind their positive mood. Indians approve of the way Modi is handling a variety of issues, such as access to clean toilets, unemployment and terrorism.
Sub-Saharan Africans are feeling positive about their current and long-term economic prospects compared with those in other regions of the world. However, they still see the need for more foreign aid and are concerned about the serious challenges facing them, especially when it comes to better health care and jobs.
People in sub-Saharan Africa are optimistic about their future, but they also recognize that their countries face tremendous challenges — identifying health care and education as top concerns.
Americans see a number of economic threats from China, but they are also worried about cyberattacks, Bejing's human rights record, China's impact on the environment and its growing military strength.
Survey Report As Congress prepares to vote on the Iran nuclear agreement, public support for the deal has declined. Currently, just 21% approve of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program reached between the United States, Iran and other nations. Nearly half (49%) disapprove of the agreement, while three-in-ten (30%) offer no opinion. In mid-July, a […]
Despite historical and territorial frictions, people in Asia-Pacific countries tend to view their neighbors in a positive light. But they express limited confidence in the region's most prominent national leaders.
Three years after being elected president, Mexico's Enrique Peña Nieto is increasingly unpopular, and his ratings on specific issues, such as education, corruption and fighting drugs and crime, have dropped sharply.
Rousseff’s political woes have raised the prospect of impeachment proceedings and brought out hundreds of thousands of protestors across the country on Sunday, many chanting “Dilma Out.”
Nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults (73%) say they approve of the U.S. renewing ties with Cuba. A similar median of 77% across five Latin American countries surveyed also approve of this action.
Seven decades after the end of World War II, most American Jews say remembering the Holocaust is essential to what being Jewish means to them, personally.
Across 12 countries, a median of 40% of adults say they have no confidence in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to do the right thing regarding world affairs. About eight-in-ten Indians have a favorable view of Modi.
Majorities in most countries say China does not take into account the interests of other countries in its foreign policy, and China does not contribute to global peace and stability.
Overwhelmingly, people believe the U.S. interferes in the affairs of other countries, but most also believe the U.S. contributes to peace and stability around the world. U.S. President Joe Biden receives mostly positive reviews.