As people in advanced economies reach the upper bounds of internet penetration, the digital divide continues to narrow between wealthy and developing countries.
Eyes turn to Singapore this week as President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un prepare to meet for the first time. While previous communication between the two leaders was marked by hostility, the meeting came about following North Korea’s more recent promises to suspend missile tests and discuss denuclearization. Here are five […]
Explore where users of news outlets in eight Western European countries place these outlets on a left-right spectrum, based on their perception of their ideological leanings.
Across eight Western European countries, people with populist leanings have more negative attitudes about the news media than do those with non-populist views.
Americans’ views of free trade agreements, which turned more negative during the 2016 campaign, are now about as positive as they were prior to the campaign.
U.S. foreign policy scholars are more concerned about climate change and less worried about ISIS and refugees than the U.S. public and general publics abroad.
As Donald Trump prepares to announce his long-awaited decision on the Iran nuclear agreement, more Americans say they disapprove (40%) than approve (32%) of the agreement.
Special to The Hill In the wake of the state visit to Washington of French President Emmanuel Macron and the upcoming meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Donald Trump, an already rocky relationship between the United States and Europe faces serious challenges in the months ahead. May 12 is the deadline for a Trump administration […]
Across 12 countries, a median of 40% of adults say they have no confidence in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to do the right thing regarding world affairs. About eight-in-ten Indians have a favorable view of Modi.
Majorities in most countries say China does not take into account the interests of other countries in its foreign policy, and China does not contribute to global peace and stability.
Overwhelmingly, people believe the U.S. interferes in the affairs of other countries, but most also believe the U.S. contributes to peace and stability around the world. U.S. President Joe Biden receives mostly positive reviews.