report | Dec 15, 2010

Global Publics Embrace Social Networking

In regions around the world – and in countries with varying levels of economic development – people who use the internet are using it for social networking. Other forms of technology are also increasingly popular: cell phone ownership and computer usage have grown significantly across the globe over the last three years, and they have risen dramatically since 2002. Consistently, these technologies are especially popular among young people.

report | Dec 7, 2010

Mixed Views on Tax Cuts, Support for START and Allowing Gays to Serve Openly

Overview With the public giving subpar approval ratings to President Obama and continuing to express negative views of Congress and the political parties, it goes its own way on many of the remaining issues before the lame-duck Congress. In a survey conducted before Obama and GOP leaders agreed to temporarily extend all Bush-era tax cuts, […]

report | Dec 2, 2010

Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah

Extremist groups Hamas and Hezbollah continue to receive mixed ratings from Muslim publics. However, opinions of al Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden, are consistently negative; only in Nigeria do Muslims offer views that are, on balance, positive toward al Qaeda and bin Laden.

report | Nov 30, 2010

Voting in Foreign-Policy Oblivion

While it is not unusual for foreign policy to take a back seat during difficult economic times, the absence of concern at a time when American troops are fighting a war in Afghanistan, and the threat of terrorism remains high is remarkable.

report | Nov 9, 2010

Public Support for Increased Trade, Except With South Korea and China

Overview The public is of two minds when it comes to trade with other countries. Most Americans say that increased trade with Canada, Japan and European Union countries – as well as India, Brazil and Mexico – would be good for the United States. But reactions are mixed to increased trade with South Korea and […]

report | Nov 9, 2010

Americans Are of Two Minds on Trade

The public wants increased trade with Canada, Japan and several other countries (China and South Korea being notable exceptions), but support for free trade agreements is at a 13-year low, and more say trade agreements have negative rather than positive impact on jobs, wages and economic growth.

report | Oct 20, 2010

Indians See Threat From Pakistan, Extremist Groups

More than seven-in-ten Indians have confidence in Barack Obama and about two-thirds express a favorable opinion of the U.S. Indians are also upbeat about their country’s economic situation and its role in world affairs. Still, most say India faces major challenges, including crime and corruption. And there are widespread concerns about Pakistan and extremist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba.

report | Oct 12, 2010

What do other countries think about climate change?

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report | Aug 29, 2023

Views of India Lean Positive Across 23 Countries

Across 12 countries, a median of 40% of adults say they have no confidence in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to do the right thing regarding world affairs. About eight-in-ten Indians have a favorable view of Modi.

report | Jun 27, 2023

International Views of Biden and U.S. Largely Positive

Overwhelmingly, people believe the U.S. interferes in the affairs of other countries, but most also believe the U.S. contributes to peace and stability around the world. U.S. President Joe Biden receives mostly positive reviews.