Surveys of foreign policy experts and the general public reveal a division between these two groups over the role of the people’s voice in governing, as well as on the consequences of Trump’s presidency.
Many around the world say representative democracy is a good way to run their country. Compare global views of political systems and read six key findings.
Across the world, a median of 78% say representative democracy is a good way to govern their country. Yet, pro-democracy views coexist with openness to nondemocratic forms of governance.
Many Russians say the collapse of the Soviet Union has been a bad thing for their country. Nostalgia for the Soviet past also extends to views of Josef Stalin.
The generation of Central and Eastern Europeans raised after the fall of the Berlin Wall differs little in its political outlook from earlier generations.
Religion has reasserted itself as an important part of individual and national identity in a region that was once dominated by atheist communist regimes.
Ahead of the first round of the French presidential election, here are five charts outlining the support for the country's populist, far-right National Front.
Large majorities of the public, Republicans and Democrats alike, say open and fair elections and a system of governmental checks and balances are essential to maintaining a strong democracy in the United States.