Use our updated Global Indicators Database to explore survey findings from around the world
With new 2022 survey results just around the corner, here are five of the many insights from the newly added data available on the database.
With new 2022 survey results just around the corner, here are five of the many insights from the newly added data available on the database.
Most Latino immigrants say they would come to the U.S. again.
Young people in the United States express far more skeptical views of America’s global standing than older adults.
Pew Research Center’s political typology sorts Americans into cohesive, like-minded groups based on their values, beliefs, and views about politics and the political system. Use this tool to compare the groups on some key topics and their demographics.
The U.S. is seen positively in advanced economies for its technology, entertainment, military and universities, but negatively for its health care system, discrimination and the state of its democracy.
While Americans see some aspects of U.S. power more positively than people elsewhere, they offer more negative views in other areas.
There is minimal praise from other societies for how the United States and China are handling climate change.
Citizens offer mixed reviews of how their societies have responded to climate change, and many question the efficacy of international efforts to stave off a global environmental crisis.
Canadian views of their own country’s and their southern neighbor’s handling of the pandemic have shifted considerably in the past year.
Positive views of the U.S. have rebounded across 17 advanced economies since last year, while most continue to see China unfavorably.