7 charts on how the world views President Obama
Our most recent survey of 40 countries from around the world included a number of questions about Obama and his handling of major international issues.
Our most recent survey of 40 countries from around the world included a number of questions about Obama and his handling of major international issues.
The U.S. image abroad remains mostly positive, although it has suffered somewhat from negative views of post-9/11 interrogation methods. China also is seen positively, though not on the issue of protecting individual freedoms.
Ratings for the U.S. remain mostly positive, with a global median of 69% expressing a favorable view. Countries also express broad support for America's military efforts against ISIS, but are critical of the U.S. government's use of torture after 9/11.
Not since the end of the Cold War has Russia loomed so large in German-American relations, due in large part to recent developments in Ukraine.
Four decades after the controversial war, the Vietnamese public sees the United States as a helpful ally and even embraces some of the core tenets of capitalism.
Obama's visit to India on Republic Day is expected to usher in a new, positive era in India-U.S. relations -- especially at a time when a majority of Indians have a favorable view of the United States and a majority of Americans express a positive opinion of India.
In August 2011, 53% of Americans said the use of torture to question suspected terrorists could be often or sometimes justified, while 42% said it could only rarely be justified or not justified at all.
Since we began polling the Turkish people in 2002, never have more than three-in-ten held a favorable view of the U.S.
Survey Report A large majority of Americans think the world is a more dangerous place than it was several years ago. And a terrorist group that was not even on the public’s radar a year ago – the Islamic militants known as ISIS or ISIL – today ranks near the top of its list of […]
Venezuelans have very different views of two of the nation’s most important trade partners: the United States and Cuba.