report | Dec 3, 2013
Overview Growing numbers of Americans believe that U.S. global power and prestige are in decline. And support for U.S. global engagement, already near a historic low, has fallen further. The public thinks that the nation does too much to solve world problems, and increasing percentages want the U.S. to “mind its own business internationally” and […]
report | Nov 19, 2013
America’s rise in the 50 years since President Kennedy was killed has been far from trouble-free – and America’s international standing since the fall of its great Cold War rival has reflected the ups, downs and uncertainties of the past five decades.
report | Nov 8, 2013
Survey Report Even though many in Africa continue to face serious financial adversity, their economic outlook is more positive than many others around the world, and they are hopeful about their children’s future. Overall, Africans, along with Asians and Latin Americans, tend to express more positive views about economic conditions than do Europeans and Middle […]
report | Nov 4, 2013
While the American public increasingly has been looking inward after years of economic stress at home and a decade of wars abroad, they have a keen awareness of the challenges posed to the U.S. by China in the superpower competition between the two countries.
short reads | Oct 23, 2013
A new report raises "serious concerns" about the U.S. drone campaign in Pakistan. U.S. public opinion about the use of drones in general sharply differs from the widespread opposition to the missile strikes among other nations.
short reads | Oct 23, 2013
Only 10% of Americans believe the U.S. can trust Pakistan a great deal or a fair amount.