report | May 11, 2016

Are you in the American middle class?

Our new calculator allows you to see which group you fit in, first compared with all American adults, and then compared with other adults similar to you in education, age, race or ethnicity, and marital status.

short reads | Feb 4, 2016

What Americans say it takes to be middle class

The vast majority of American adults agree that a secure job and the ability to save money for the future are essential. But one thing is now less likely to be seen as a requirement: a college education.

short reads | Dec 14, 2015

America’s middle class is shrinking. So who’s leaving it?

in terms of income status, the past four decades have been very good to people working in financial and natural-resources industries or as executives and managers, but not so good for sales workers or people in blue-collar manufacturing jobs.

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