report | Apr 4, 2013

Demographics of Asian Americans

The demographic data shown here display the varied population sizes and characteristics of the largest Asian origin groups. The numbers shown here come from two Census Bureau sources. The population rankings use counts from the 2010 Census for the total Asian-American population and for 20 Asian origin subgroups. The adult characteristics table is derived from […]

report | Apr 3, 2013

Americans Divided over Immigration Reform

The immigration debate in Washington is likely to heat up in the weeks ahead. Indians, Chinese and others either hoping to migrate to America (even those with advanced skills) or those with loved ones living illegally and precariously within the United States should realize that despite largely supportive rhetoric emanating from both Congress and the White House, the U.S. public remains divided over immigration reform.

report | Mar 28, 2013

Most Say Illegal Immigrants Should Be Allowed to Stay, But Citizenship Is More Divisive

Overview A new survey finds that seven-in-ten Americans (71%) say there should be a way for people in the United States illegally to remain in this country if they meet certain requirements, while 27% say they should not be allowed to stay legally. Most who favor providing illegal immigrants with some form of legal status […]

report | Feb 21, 2013

If No Deal is Struck, Four-in-Ten Say Let the Sequester Happen

Overview After a series of fiscal crises over the past few years, the public is not expressing a particular sense of urgency over the pending March 1 sequester deadline. With little more than a week to go, barely a quarter have heard a lot about the scheduled cuts, while about as many have heard nothing […]

report | Feb 15, 2013

2011, Hispanics in the United States Statistical Portrait

*Visit the most recent data. This statistical profile of the Latino population is based on Hispanic Trends Project tabulations of the Census Bureau’s 2011 American Community Survey (ACS). Users should exercise caution when comparing the 2011 estimates with estimates for previous years. Population estimates in the 2011 ACS are based on the latest information from […]

report | Feb 7, 2013

Second-Generation Americans, by the Numbers

A new Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data finds that U.S.-born adult children of immigrants are better off than immigrants on key measures of socio-economic well-being. The same report analyzes survey data on Hispanics and Asian Americans, comparing attitudes of immigrants and U.S.-born children of immigrants on politics, values, language use and other measures.

report | Feb 7, 2013

Second-Generation Americans

Chapter 1: Overview Second-generation Americans—the 20 million adult U.S.-born children of immigrants—are substantially better off than immigrants themselves on key measures of socioeconomic attainment, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. They have higher incomes; more are college graduates and homeowners; and fewer live in poverty. In all of […]

report | Feb 4, 2013

The Path Not Taken

Overview Nearly two-thirds of the 5.4 million legal immigrants from Mexico who are eligible to become citizens of the United States have not yet taken that step. Their rate of naturalization—36%—is only half that of legal immigrants from all other countries combined, according to an analysis of Census Bureau data by the Pew Hispanic Center, […]

report | Feb 1, 2013

Will Conservative Talkers Take On Immigration Reform?

Back in 2007, when President George W. Bush pushed for new immigration legislation, PEJ research showed the degree to which conservative talk hosts attacked the measure. And, they themselves took credit for helping to kill it. Will these hosts reprise their staunch opposition this time around? The early indications suggest that perhaps not.

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