short reads | Sep 2, 2014

7 facts about world migration

The world’s increasing population means that the sheer number of international migrants has never been higher.

short reads | Aug 11, 2014

5 facts about Honduras and immigration

65% of people in Honduras live in poverty. 16% of Honduras's GDP is based on money sent from migrants abroad. The wave of all immigrants in the U.S. coming from Honduras is relatively new, with more than half arriving in 2000 or later.

short reads | Aug 5, 2014

27 countries limit a woman’s ability to pass citizenship to her child or spouse

To most Americans, citizenship, like DNA, seems like something a parent passes to a child without thought or effort. And indeed, for fathers around the world, that’s almost universally true. But one-in-seven countries currently have laws or policies prohibiting or limiting the rights of women to pass citizenship to a child or non-citizen spouse.

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