report | Jan 22, 2006

Generations Online

Internet users ages 12 to 28 years old have embraced the online applications that enable communicative, creative, and social uses. Internet users ages 29 to 69 years old are more likely to engage in online activities that require some capital.

report | Jan 17, 2006

Is Eleanor Rigby Online?

A review of data from the U.S., UK, and Australia finds that the internet has the potential to bring isolated seniors into closer contact with the wired world.

report | Nov 2, 2005

Demographics of Teen Content Creators

American teenagers are utilizing the interactive capabilities of the internet as they create and share their own media creations.

report | Nov 2, 2005

Teen Content Creators and Consumers

American teenagers today are utilizing the interactive capabilities of the internet as they create and share their own media creations.

report | Nov 1, 2005

The Higher Drop-Out Rate of Foreign-Born Teens

A report on high school enrollment points to the importance of schooling abroad in understanding the dropout problem for immigrant teens, finding that those teens have often fallen behind in their education before reaching the United States.

report | Nov 1, 2005

The High Schools Hispanics Attend

A report on the characteristics of high schools attended by different racial and ethnic groups finds that Hispanic teens are more likely than blacks and whites to attend the nation's largest public high schools.

presentation | Oct 17, 2005

The Future of the Internet as Baby Boomers Age

In ten years, the Baby Boomers will age into the 65+ demographic and change everything about the "wired senior" group, but a great many offline Americans may be with us for years to come.

report | Sep 2, 2005

From the VCR to the Internet—some things never change

There’s the old saw that if you can’t program your VCR (or now maybe DVD or even TIVO?) you should just hand the remote to the nearest child. Recent data collected by the Pew Internet Project suggest that the same is true when it comes to the inte...

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