report | May 23, 2006
Fully 87% of teens go online, compared to just 32% of Americans age 65+. This leads, of course, to a wide gap when it comes to computer skills; there is less of a gap when it comes to the some of the activities each group pursues online.
report | Apr 11, 2006
Older internet users may be easy targets for viruses, spyware and the like. Younger internet users take more chances online, but they also take more precautions.
presentation | Mar 23, 2006
This is a discussion of the eight realities of technology and social experience that are shaping the world of today's teens and twenty-somethings.
report | Mar 10, 2006
New analysis of our data & others indicates that younger people are more likely to take action to prevent identity fraud & spyware.
presentation | Mar 9, 2006
New analysis of surveys conducted by the Pew Internet Project and the AARP indicate that younger people are more likely to take action to avoid software intrusions and to prevent identity fraud.
report | Feb 21, 2006
Neither hawks nor doves, America's youth are more willing than their elders to give both war and peace a chance. A new poll analysis finds that generational differences on the use of force confound the stereotypes.
presentation | Feb 17, 2006
This presentation covers two main themes -- what are parents currently doing to protect their children from unwanted content, and how are adolescent and adult internet users producing and sharing their own content online.
presentation | Feb 9, 2006
A November 2004 survey of parents and adolescents conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that 13% of teens do not use the internet. This presentation explores the constraints on use and the non-use of the internet by American ...
presentation | Feb 1, 2006
Amanda Lenhart joins Talk of the Nation with guests danah boyd and Parry Aftab in a series of interviews on the phenomenon of the popular social networking website
report | Jan 23, 2006
I recently helped my parents enroll in their new Medicare prescription drug plans using the website...