Teens 2012: Truth, Trends, and Myths About Teen Online Behavior
How teens use the internet, mobile phones, social media and social networking sites,as well as teen communication preferences and online information consumption.
How teens use the internet, mobile phones, social media and social networking sites,as well as teen communication preferences and online information consumption.
The American Journal of Managed Care recently published a commentary entitled, "Bowling Alone, Healing Together: The Role of Social Capital in Delivery Reform."
Just over half (52%) of Millennials say being a good parent is one of the most important things in life compared with 30% who say that about having a successful marriage.
Amanda Lenhart spoke at the 2012 Lawlor Summer Seminar in Minneapolis, where she discussed the rise in smartphone ownership among youth, the demographics of mobile phone ownership and the changes wrought as youth begin to have access anytime, anyw...
For the first time, half of American adults ages 65 and older are online.
Amanda Lenhart spoke about how teens use technology and about youth social and emotional experiences in social media spaces.
Parents are enthusiastic downloaders of all kinds of apps, particularly apps for children.
Shooting, sharing, streaming and chatting: social media using teens are the most enthusiastic users of many online video capabilities
Just over half (52%) of Millennials say that the increase in people having children without getting married has been a change for the worse. Older generations hold a significantly more negative view of this trend.
Amanda Lenhart spoke about the demographic differences among groups of youth in their adoption, use, and experiences with technology and social media.